Granate de Sri Lanka - Sophie's in Jupiter

Garnet from Sri Lanka


Origin of Sri Lanka Garnet

Garnet is a stone native to Sri Lanka.


It is traditionally associated with the sign of Aries.

Anillo con granate de Sri Lanka

Properties of Sri Lanka Garnet

Garnet is a stone that recharges our energy, increases our determination and marks paths to the realization of our dreams and goals.

  • It stands out for promoting help in the most problematic moments, in situations where there seems to be no way out.
  • Strengthens, activates and strengthens the survival instinct.
  • It is a powerful stone that brings success to business, protects against envy.
  • Eliminates negative energies, increases our vital energy and purifies our aura.
  • It inspires love and devotion and is known as the stone of commitment.

Sri Lankan Garnet in Sophie's in Jupiter jewelry

At Sophie's in Jupiter we have designed a double strand ring with a garnet set to strengthen you and increase your vital energy.

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